CIW: Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 Specialist v2.0 (1D0-720)

(1D0-720) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-213-7
This course includes
Hands-On Labs (Add-on)
AI Tutor (Add-on)
260 Review
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Skills You’ll Get

The CIW Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 Specialist certification is an industry-recognized, vendor-neutral credential that is proof of an individual has the HTML5 and CSS3 web development skills that are used in the various IT industries. Advanced HTML5 and CSS3 Specialist is the first course in the CIW Web and Mobile Design series. The 1D0-720 exam proves competency in the field of applying HTML forms, validating HTML codes, using CSS, and many more.

Get the support you need. Enroll in our Instructor-Led Course.


13+ Lessons | 156+ Exercises | 195+ Quizzes | 100+ Flashcards | 100+ Glossary of terms


55+ Pre Assessment Questions | 3+ Full Length Tests | 115+ Post Assessment Questions | 165+ Practice Test Questions

Hands-On Labs

65+ LiveLab | 66+ Video tutorials | 01:15+ Hours

Video Lessons

9+ Videos | 24+ Minutes


HTML5 Essentials

  • Introduction to HTML5 and CSS3
  • Introduction to Web Development
  • Mobile Websites vs. Mobile Apps
  • App Development
  • The Web Development Trifecta
  • The Evolution of HTML5
  • HTML5 Structural Elements
  • HTML5 Semantic Elements
  • Universal Markup Creation
  • Validating HTML5 Code
  • HTML5 Multimedia Elements
  • HTML5 Graphics
  • Navigation and Hyperlinks for Mobile Devices
  • Images and Mobile Design
  • Switching Images
  • HTML5 APIs
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Technology

  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • Style Guides
  • CSS and HTML
  • CSS Terms and Syntax
  • Applying CSS Styles
  • The CSS Box Model
  • Page Layout with CSS
  • Designing Websites for Mobile Devices
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Using CSS Version 3 (CSS3)

  • Introduction to CSS3
  • CSS3 Selectors and Properties
  • CSS3 Background Properties
  • CSS3 Border Properties
  • CSS3 Font Properties
  • CSS3 Text Effects
  • Cross-Browser Compatibility
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Using Advanced CSS3 Techniques

  • Introduction to Advanced CSS3 Techniques
  • CSS3 2D and 3D Transformations
  • CSS3 Transitions
  • CSS3 Animations
  • CSS3 User Interfaces
  • Creating Menus and Buttons with CSS3
  • SASS
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Introduction to JavaScript

  • HTML5 and JavaScript
  • Introduction to Scripting
  • JavaScript Characteristics
  • JavaScript vs. Other Languages
  • Ways of Embedding JavaScript into HTML5 Documents
  • JavaScript and Common Programming Concepts
  • Objects, Properties and Methods
  • Expressions and Operators
  • Conditional Statements
  • Arrays
  • Loops
  • Scope Isolation
  • Iterators
  • Regex
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

JavaScript Events, Functions and Methods

  • User Events and JavaScript Event Handlers
  • Introduction to JavaScript Functions
  • Defining a Function
  • Pre-defined Functions in JavaScript
  • Calling a Function
  • JavaScript Animations
  • Methods as Functions
  • Promises
  • Modules
  • Async/Await & Closures
  • AJAX and JSON
  • Errors In JavaScript
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Using HTML5 APIs

  • Introduction to HTML5 APIs
  • Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Common HTML5 APIs
  • The Canvas API
  • The Geolocation API
  • The Drag-and-Drop API
  • The File API
  • The History API
  • Introduction to AJAX
  • Manipulating Data with jQuery
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Developing HTML5 Forms

  • Introduction to HTML5 Forms
  • Cross-Browser Compatible HTML5 Forms
  • HTML5 Form Input Types
  • New Form Elements in HTML5
  • HTML5 Global Attributes for Form Elements
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Completing, Submitting and Validating User Input Forms

  • Improving Forms with HTML5
  • HTML5 Attributes for the <form> Element
  • Submitting Forms with the <button> Element
  • Concepts and Techniques for Validating User Input
  • Validating User Input with HTML5 Attributes
  • Validating User Input with JavaScript
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Copyright, Ethics and Legal Considerations

  • Copyright Laws in Coding, Really?
  • Why Accessibility?
  • Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
  • Netiquette and Cultural Considerations
  • Why Consider Global Laws?
  • Security Standards
  • How Does Ethics Affect Coding?
  • Optional Lab
  • Lesson Summary

Appendix A: CIW Advanced HTML5 And CSS3 Specialist Objectives and Locations

Appendix B: Web Developer Resources

Appendix C: Works Consulted


HTML5 Essentials

  • Creating a Basic HTML Page
  • Using the <aside> and <hr> Tags
  • Structuring and Validating a Webpage
  • Embedding a Video with the HTML5 <video> Element

Introduction to Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Technology

  • Creating an Internal Style Sheet
  • Implementing Inline Styles
  • Creating an External Style Sheet in HTML
  • Supporting Legacy Browsers
  • Using CSS Imports
  • Formatting Text with CSS
  • Using CSS IDs
  • Implementing a Class in HTML
  • Modifying Elements Using CSS margins, borders, and padding
  • Laying Out a Page's Structure Using CSS
  • Positioning Images Relative to Text Using CSS
  • Modifying a Site for Mobile Users

Using CSS Version 3 (CSS3)

  • Using CSS3 Selectors
  • Adding CSS3 Background Properties
  • Creating Buttons and Shadows Using CSS3 Border Properties
  • Using CSS3 Fonts and Text Effects
  • Using the CSS3 text-overflow and word-wrap Properties

Using Advanced CSS3 Techniques

  • Creating 2D and 3D Transformations with CSS3
  • Using CSS3 Transitions
  • Creating CSS3 Animations
  • Animating a Text Box Using CSS3
  • Using the CSS3 resize Property
  • Creating a CSS Menu

Introduction to JavaScript

  • Using the JavaScript's alert() Method
  • Using the JavaScript's prompt() Method
  • Using the JavaScript's document.write() Method
  • Using the JavaScript's navigator Object
  • Using Operators in JavaScript
  • Using the switch Statement in HTML
  • Using the if Statement in HTML
  • Using the if-else Statement in HTML
  • Using the while Loop in HTML
  • Using the for Loop in HTML

JavaScript Events, Functions and Methods

  • Using JavaScript Event Handlers
  • Using Functions, Arguments, and Return Values in JavaScript
  • Creating a User-Defined Function in JavaScript
  • Creating an External JavaScript File
  • Calling a Function from within Another Function in JavaScript
  • Calling Functions and Using their Arguments
  • Using the setInterval Method in Animations in HTML
  • Using the setTimeout Method in Animations in HTML
  • Using the parseFloat() Conversion Function in JavaScript
  • Transmitting and Parsing Complex Objects in HTML

Using HTML5 APIs

  • Animating an Image in HTML
  • Manipulating a Canvas in HTML
  • Using the HTML5 Canvas API
  • Using the Drag-and-Drop Functionality of HTML5
  • Using the HTML5 File API to List and Read Files
  • Sending and Receiving Data in HTML
  • Retrieving and Manipulating Data Using jQuery

Developing HTML5 Forms

  • Using New HTML5 Input Types
  • Using the search Input Type
  • Using the <textarea> Element with the placeholder Attribute
  • Using the HTML5 <datalist> Element
  • Using the <fieldset> and <legend> Elements

Completing, Submitting and Validating User Input Forms

  • Using the HTML5 autofocus Attribute with the <input> Element
  • Using the HTML5 autocomplete Attribute with the <form> Element
  • Loading and Saving Files in HTML
  • Using the <button> Element to Submit Forms
  • Using the HTML5 formtarget Attribute
  • Using the HTML5 pattern Attribute
  • Using the pattern Attribute with HTML Input Types
  • Using the HTML5 required Attribute

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Before taking the exam, a candidate should have CIW Site Development Associate or equivalent basic HTML and CSS coding knowledge

USD 150


The exam consists of linear, multiple choice, fill in the blank, fact-based, and situational questions.

The exam contains 55 questions.

75 minutes


Here are the retake policies:

  • A 24-hour waiting period is required between the first and second attempt exam.
  • If a candidate passes a CIW exam, he will not be allowed to retake that CIW exam.
  • 30 calendar days waiting period from the date of the previous sitting before any third or subsequent sitting exam.
  • There is no limit on the number of attempts a candidate may make on an exam, so long as the 30 day wait period is observed.

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