Cyberethics: Morality and Law in Cyberspace

(CYB-ETHICS.AG1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-227-4
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About This Course

Use the Cyberethics Morality and Law in Cyberspace course and lab to understand the concepts of cyberethics. Lab simulates real-world, hardware, software and command line interface environments and can be mapped to any text-book, course or training. The Cyberethics training course covers topics such as the social costs and moral problems caused by the underlying technologies that support the vast information network. The cyberethics course stimulates a reader's reflection on the broad issues of Internet governance and its control by the state.

Get the support you need. Enroll in our Instructor-Led Course.


7+ Lessons | 230+ Quizzes | 82+ Flashcards | 82+ Glossary of terms


75+ Pre Assessment Questions | 75+ Post Assessment Questions |




The Internet and Ethical Values

  • Cyberethics and Code
  • Iron Cage or Gateway to Utopia?
  • Ethical Values and the Digital Frontier
  • Postscript on Moral Theory
  • Floridi’s Macroethics
  • Normative Principles
  • Additional Resources

Information and Power: Regulating and Governing Networked Technologies

  • The Early History of the Internet
  • The Internet’s Architecture
  • Net Neutrality
  • The World Wide Web
  • Gatekeepers and Search Engines
  • Social Networking
  • Internet Governance
  • Contested Sovereignty in Cyberspace
  • Internet Monopolies
  • Discussion Questions
  • Case Studies: American or Australian Libel Law?
  • Additional Resources

Free Speech and Censorship in Cyberspace

  • Speech and Internet Architecture
  • Pornography in Cyberspace
  • Hate Speech
  • Online Threats
  • Anonymous Speech
  • Government Censorship and the Fate of Political Speech
  • Postscript
  • Discussion Questions
  • Case Studies: When Is a Facebook Post a Real Threat?
  • Additional Resources

Intellectual Property in Cyberspace

  • Background on Intellectual Property
  • Issues for the Internet and Networking Technologies
  • Digital Books and E-Books
  • Postscript
  • Discussion Questions
  • Case Studies: Readers' Rights, Remixing, and Mashups
  • Additional Resources

Privacy Rights in the Age of Surveillance

  • A Definition and Theory of Privacy
  • Personal Information on the Internet
  • Consumer Privacy on the Internet
  • The United States and the European Union: Divergent Paths to Privacy Protection
  • A Prescription for Privacy?
  • Privacy in the Workplace
  • Discussion Questions
  • Case Studies: Privacy and the Right to Be Forgotten
  • Additional Resources

Securing the Digital Infrastructure

  • Vulnerabilities of Networked Technologies
  • Cybercrime
  • Antipiracy Architectures
  • Trespass, Hackers, and Hacktivism
  • Security Measures in Cyberspace
  • CyberSecurity as a Moral Obligation
  • The Encryption Controversy: A Public Policy Perspective
  • New Encryption Disputes and Challenges
  • Encryption Code, Privacy, and Free Speech
  • Discussion Questions
  • Case Studies: The Lulz Sec Hackers
  • Additional Resources

The Internet and Ethical Values

  • Understanding Lessig's Constraints
  • Understanding Iron Cage or Gateway to Utopia
  • Discussing About the Internet and Ethical Values
  • Understanding Moral Theories
  • Understanding Negative and Positive Rights
  • Understanding Contractarianism and Utilitarianism
  • Understanding Moral Theories
  • Understanding the Floridi’s Ethical Theory
  • Understanding Normative Principles

Information and Power: Regulating and Governing Networked Technologies

  • Understanding ARPANET
  • Understanding Internet-Related Terms
  • Introducing the Internet Architecture
  • Understanding ICANN

Free Speech and Censorship in Cyberspace

  • Understanding Child Pornography Acts
  • Understanding the Communications Decency Act
  • Understanding COPA
  • Understanding CIPA
  • Discussing About Hate Speech, Anonymous Speech, and Internet Threats

Intellectual Property in Cyberspace

  • Understanding the Copyright Term Extension Act
  • Understanding Types of Legal Protections
  • Understanding Legal Protection for Intellectual Property
  • Understanding the Digital Millennium Copyright Act
  • Understanding Copyright Laws
  • Understanding Legal Protection Terms
  • Understanding DRM

Privacy Rights in the Age of Surveillance

  • Identifying Types of Risks
  • Understanding Seclusion Theory Terms
  • Discussing the FCRA and COPPA Acts
  • Understanding the Fair Credit Reporting Act
  • Explaining Types of Acts

Securing the Digital Infrastructure

  • Understanding Internet worms
  • Understanding CFAA
  • Discussing About Cybercrime and its Security Measures
  • Learning About Public Key Encryption
  • Understanding DES and AES
  • Understanding the Clipper Chip
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